Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's March--How Are You Doing With Your Wellness Goals?

We all do it, me included.  We make all these great promises:  To lose those last 5 pounds; learn to control our sugar cravings (By the way, I'll admit that I had a chocolate-dipped cookie today). We promise to exercise more, sleep better, spend time each day for meditation--the list goes on and on.

Then when it's just about this time of year, we forget about those resolutions--but we panic because Memorial Day, the unofficial start to summer, is just around the corner and we need to lose our winter weight--and fast.

You can still make 2013 your healthiest year ever, though. It just takes a little knowledge and a few easy fixes.

Remember that everything feeds us, not just what's on our plates.  We're also fed by things like rest and recreation, career, relationships, and more.  Our lives need to be in balance or we'll always be, well, sick and hungry.
But here are 5 things that can derail your wellness goals that you can do something about right now:

NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP: A study by the Archives of Internal Medicine gave 153 people the rhino virus (common cold) by nose drop. It was found that those studied who got at least seven hours of sleep per night were 300% less likely to catch a cold. So here's the bottom-line: Sleep deprivation leads to exhaustion which can lead to chronic illnesses and injury. It also affects our weight, since sleep has a direct connection to 3 hormones that control appetite.
SKIPPING BREAKFAST: Breakfast breaks the overnight fast and will start your metabolism. If you skip breakfast, or any other meal, your body will think it is starving and will go into protection mode by lowering your metabolism. That means you could actually gain weight by not eating a meal and you’ll probably overeat at the next one, since your body will insist on making up those lost calories.
NOT PAYING ENOUGH ATTENTION TO THE TOXINS HIDDEN IN FOODS: For instance, those processed meats, like bacon, hot dogs, and sausage, have sodium nitrate, which have been linked to heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Diet soda and artificial sweeteners can lead to prolonged exposure to aspartame, a neurotoxic chemical additive in these products that can result in nerve cell damage, dizziness, and headaches. Those mass-produced snacks, like crackers and cookies, usually use hydrogenated oils are used to lengthen the shelf life and are also associated with diabetes and heart disease.
TRYING TO FIGHT, RATHER THAN LEARN, ABOUT YOUR CRAVINGS: Cravings can give us brilliant information about our bodies. For instance, did you know that a sugar craving is often your body’s cry for energy? Deconstruct it—is that your body’s way of telling you to slow down, or engage in some stress reduction, or to relax and sleep a little more?? By the way, once you figure out what it’s telling you, the cravings will be eliminated—and the weight will start releasing.
Want to learn how to control your cravings?  Sign up for my class, "3 Secrets to Kicking Those Sugar Cravings to the Curb in 30 Days" at: 
NOT EXERCISING ENOUGH: Anyone remember the episode of the television show "Everybody Loves Raymond" when Raymond becomes thrilled with the sudden, dramatic increase in his sex life--until he finds an exercise class flyer--featuring the photo of a very handsome instructor--on his wife's table. He thinks the instructor is the reason for her sudden interest but, when he confronts her, she says: "Has it ever occurred to you that I'm just feeling much better about myself these days?"

Exercise makes us feel better physically and mentally. It fights fatigue by carrying oxygen and nutrients to the cells and helps detoxify the body, by getting rid of toxins, accumulated wastes and poisons. It also improves our mood by releasing those natural, feel-good substances, endorphins which, in turn, also help us handle stress and sleep better.


Irene Ross, CHHC, AADP is an integrative nutrition and holistic health coach, speaker and writer. 

She is author of the e-book, Sugar’s Sour Story, and of the forthcoming book, 25 Ways to Fire Up Your Day:Increase Energy, Get More Done in Less Time, Balance Your Life.

Her website is:

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